Traveling on the Cheap, a Post for Military Families

They used to call ’em MAC Flights. I have no idea what MAC stood for but I heard horror stories of waiting for hours on end or even days to get a flight only to get shafted by someone of higher rank. Now they call ’em AMC flights, Air Mobile Command, or Space-A flights. No matter what you call them, these are the cheap seats!

Space-A travel is a way for those associated with the Military to get a cheap seat on flights that have the primary mission of serving the armed forces and troop movement. If there’s space left after the plane is loaded, why, a crafty military wife can get herself a seat on said plane! I can’t tell from the website whether the flight is free or whether there is a cost, but I know the flights are dirt cheap or free. I sent them an email and am waiting to hear back about cost.

To learn more, go to the AMC Website and have a browse around. Be sure to read about the different categories and determine if you are eligible and in what category you would fall. Then check to see if any flights meet your needs. Then contact them to see what’s next.

If you’ve ever been on an AMC flight I would really appreciate feedback! Please comment here or meet us on facebook at Classy Sites on Facebook.

What to Do When They Tell You It’s Colic

Our son was born 8 pounds, 2 ounces and was healthy with 10 fingers and 10 toes. He was the most amazing thing we’d ever seen. He was so sweet and quiet during the first two weeks of life that we thought we might want 100 more babies. He slept in his bassinet right by our bed and we wheeled him around the house so he could be close to us during the first few days. We worried about him, of course, like all new parents will do. We’d even rouse him while he slept, just to be sure he was still breathing!

But then the colic started.

At first it was just an hour here and there. He’d cry and mommy would feed him, and he’d cry and she’d feed. He ate a whole lot the first couple of months of life, just because that’s about all we could think of to stop him from crying! We wondered if something mommy was eating could be causing him a tummy-ache so mommy tried eliminating certain foods. The doctors, nurses, and breast-feeding consultant all said the same thing. The best thing to feed a baby is mother’s milk, hands down. So we kept feeding him mother’s milk.

But the crying didn’t stop, it just got worse. By this point mom had stopped eating bananas and dairy products. She had eliminated all caffeinated drinks including coffee, tea, and soda. She didn’t eat soy, peanuts, shellfish, or coffee. She’d pretty much eliminated all citrus fruits and gassy vegetables. And still, the baby cried. One night it was so bad we went to ER. While there, our baby pooped. I’m not talking a little “awww, isn’t that special, he poo’ed” kind of thing. This monstrosity filled his diaper, spoiled his clothes, and got all over his blanket. It was a huge mess. After he was cleaned up, he quit crying. We told the doctor what happened, and they sent us home with medicine for reflux. Hmmm.

When he was about 5 months old, Mommy decided to try something new. She picked up some Carnation Good Start, which is supposed to be created to be easier for babies to digest. Lo and behold, the baby quit crying so much. He still had issues once in awhile, but it wasn’t the incessant, never-ending cry of pain but more a baby that’s annoyed sort of thing. What a relief!

We never figured it out back then when he was an infant, but now we feel pretty strongly that more than likely, the poor kid just didn’t handle milk of any form all that well. Mom has had problems with dairy since she was born. It was never really diagnosed until she was in her late 20′s to early 30′s and even then, she still had the occasional bowl of ice-cream. It was never quite nailed down until the colicky baby grew into a little boy and wouldn’t stop complaining about stomach pains.

First, we as parents thought he was just complaining. He’s always been fussy, we’d say, so this is nothing new. Then Mom began to think “what if it’s milk?” and the rest is pretty much history.

The reason this blog exists is to help other families. Whether you are struggling with finances, childcare, food intolerances, or life on-the-go, we are here to hopefully help you find some answers. Just because colic is rare does not mean it doesn’t exist! There is a REASON your baby is crying incessantly. Colic, in our opinion, is a rotten diagnosis and not good enough. If it’s not lactose intolerance, then maybe it’s something else. But it’s not just colic. Colic is the term for the incessant crying, not the answer to why the crying occurs.

How to Write an Article or Comment that Webmasters Won’t Delete

Welcome to Classy Sites, a website for helping stay-at-home-parents reach their dreams to stay at home with their kids and still afford to eat. Here you will find all kinds of topics from the musings of a Marine’s wife. Stuff about my kids, how I save a buck, road trips, taking care of the animals we own or have owned in the past, gardening, education, and general household living all will have their place in my blog posts. I know that the expert bloggers say to focus on a subject but I just can’t, it’s not my nature! My husband often says “look, you saw a bunny, didn’t you?” because it seems I never finish one project before I start a new one!

With all the different topics though, it’s easy to find one that you know something about, or that interests you in some way. If you land on a topic about say, traveling with children, your comment should reflect that you actually read and either agreed or disagreed with my reasoning or something in the blog article. It is OK to disagree with me, but it is not OK to say something like “I googled this subject (what subject, hunny?) for 30 minutes and you’ve finally answered my question (what question, dear?). I delete those. Why? Because it is clear you’ve put no thought into your comment, and that you are posting this same line on as many blogs as you can today.

If you would like your comment to appear and not be deleted, read the article first, then write something thoughtful about it. I keep those, and hopefully you and I can become a sort of partnership. I’ll scratch your back (with back links) if you scratch mine (with well-thought comments).

Now go find an article and read it! I’ll do the same for you.