Some Must-Haves for Any Kitchen

Tammie, the author and owner of this blog, grew up in the south with very conservative parents. They didn’t “waste” money on food, especially condiments or additives in the kitchen. It took a long time for her to open her eyes to some of the subtle differences that make a BIG difference on the dinner plate! Once she realized that for the sake of herself and her son she had to make some serious changes, some of these ideas that you’ll hear from great cooks started creeping into Tammie’s Kitchen.

Kosher Salt
kosher salt

For instance, we don’t use regular salt anymore. We learned that Kosher salt adds something to the meal that just can’t be added with plain old salt. It adds a richness or something, an indescribable but true difference to the taste of the food.

Lemons and Limes
lemon lime orange

Like Kosher Salt, lemons and limes add that little punch of flavor that you just can’t get anywhere else. Sure, you can use vinegar but it’s not the same. Adding lemon or lime juice to food will also help schmooze over the fact that you can’t put cheese in it, and you add that lovely zip without adding fat. Marvelous!


Wine is one of those additions to food that you don’t normally reach for, but it’s inclusion can make all the difference in the way your food turns out. Sometimes, when I’ve already roasted some meat and veggies, I know there’s lots of natural sugars and I want that extra zip – I’ll add some wine. Other times, I’ll reach for the …

Orange Juice

Orange Juice is the perfect choice when you need to add some natural sweetness. That richness that comes from within the food that’s not full of fat, but adds character and flavor. If you don’t have orange juice or wine, and you need to add to your sauces, stews, or gravies, you can TRY using sugar and vinegar but it’s a poor substitute for the real thing. Try OJ as part of your baste, add it to the pan when you roast a turkey or poultry, or put a little in gravy. I can guarantee you’ll taste the difference. And the bonus? It has NO dairy, no soy, and no gluten!

What’s your favorite Kitchen Must-Have?

Write to us and tell us what your favorite “Kitchen Must-Have” is! The best choices will be added to this post, and we’ll share your link or favorite website with the rest of the world. And, you’ll have our undying gratitude!

2 thoughts on “Some Must-Haves for Any Kitchen

  1. Jane Greer

    Hi, great tips! Thought I’d add one of my favorite tips – nutmeg. I read years and it is not very well known, that in Italy, Italian cooks add ground or grated nutmeg to their pasta dishes like lasagne. They would sprinkle the nutmeg between each layer. I have to say it does make the pasta taste delicious! It probably helps by taking away that starchy taste of the pasta. By the way love your site!

    1. Tammie

      Thanks Jane! That’s a great tip and one I’ve never heard. I’m going to try it next time I make lasagne – although I can’t eat it I’m sure the rest of the family will let me know how they like it!

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